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25 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope

25 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Oscilloscopes are used to observe the change of an electrical signal over time. 25 MHz digital storage oscilloscope stores and analyses the signal digitally rather than using analogue techniques. It is widely used in science, pharmacy, engineering and telecommunication industries.

1. 25 MHz digital storage oscilloscope can build waveforms after the signal is digitized thus the instrument has the advantages of memorizing and storing the observed signals.
2. It has very high bandwidth and the maximum is up to 25 MHz.
3. The highest sampling rate of digital storage oscilloscope is up to 1GS/s thus it’s not prone to produce signal aliasing.
4. 25 MHz digital storage oscilloscope has more trigger modes such as pre-trigger, logic trigger and pulse width trigger.
5. Digital phosphor oscilloscope (DPO) can be connected to the computer as well as print, archive and analyze documents.
6. DSO has powerful waveform processing ability and is able to measure frequency, rise time and pulse width automatically.

Parameters of 25 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Display 5.7 inches (STN),  Resolution: 320×240 With “A”: Mono With “CA”: Color
Channels 2 + Ext. trigger
Bandwidth 25MHz
Rise Time 13.8ns DS-2040A/CA: 8.7ns DS-2060A/CA: 5.8ns DS-2100A/CA: 3.5ns DS-2150A/CA: 2.3ns DS-2200A/CA: 1.8ns
Real Time Sampling Rate 1GS/s
Equivalent Sampling Rate 50GS/s
Input Impedance 1MΩ ± 2%, 15pF ± 2%
Input Coupling DC,AC,GND
Memory Depth 4kpts
Vertical Sensitivity 2mV/div - 5V/div
Vertical Accuracy ±4% (2mV/div - 5mV/div) ±3% (10mV/div - 5V/div)
Vertical Resolution 8 bits
Acquisition Modes Auto, Normal, Single
Trigger Modes Edge, Video, Pulse, Delay
Trigger Sources CH1, CH2, EXT, EXT/5, EXT(50Ω)
Trigger Sensitivity 1div (DC-10MHz), 1.5div (10MHz-full bandwidth)
Time Base 5ns/div to 50s/div DS-2040A/CA: 5ns/div to 50s/div DS-2060A/CA: 5ns/div to 50s/div DS-2100A/CA: 2ns/div to 50s/div DS-2150A/CA: 1ns/div to 50s/div DS-2200A/CA: 1ns/div to 50s/div
Horizontal Accuracy ±0.01%
BW Limited 20MHz
Max. Input Voltage 400V(DC+AC peak)
Auto Measurements VPP, Vamp, VRMS, VMAX, VMIN, VTOP, VBASE, VAVG, Freq, Period, Rise time, Fall time, +Width, -Width, Overshoot, +Duty,-Duty
Math +, -, ×, ÷, FFT
Storage 10 sets of waveform and 10 sets of setup
FFT Windows: Hanning, Hamming, Blackman-Harris, Rectangular Sample points: 1024 pts
X-Y Bandwidth: 25MHz/40MHz/60MHz/100MHz/150MHz/200MHz Phase difference: ±3°
PC Interface USB
Power Supply 100-240V AC, 40VA Max.
Accessories Power cord, Probe×2
Dimension 303(W) × 145(H) × 150(D) mm
Weight 4.5kg

1. Avoid hot and humid places and frequent start-up and shutdown.
2. When operator observes the bright spot in the screen and makes adjustments, its brightness should be moderate.

1. Choose oscilloscope with corresponding bandwidth according to actual requirement. Generally the frequency bandwidth is 2-5 times of test signal.
2. Choose power system with stable voltage as it helps to reduce interference and stabilize the test signal.
3. 25 MHz digital storage oscilloscope should avoid moisture, dropping, dust and interference from the around strong magnetic field.

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